

How to relaunch a Google Ads campaign

How to relaunch a Google Ads campaign

You’ve had a Google Ads campaign in the past but it has been deactivated for a while. Now you want to start it up again. What do you do? If you find yourself in this situation then there are several things you need to consider. The biggest one is if relaunching is the right solution […]

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5 website design mistakes to avoid

5 website design mistakes to avoid

There are a number of mistakes that can be made in website design that can be easily avoided once you know what to look for. The choices you make and elements you decide on can very quickly make your business website difficult to navigate, connect with and worst of all, trust. If you want to […]

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Facebook advertising

Facebook advertising: What you need to know

So you want to know what Facebook advertising is or to learn about what it can offer your business? We are going to go over those exact points and give you a set-by-step guide on how to make one. That way, you will know exactly what to expect when you consider advertising on Facebook. 1.6 […]

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hero image design

Design a hero image to make your website stand out

Almost every website has a hero image design, the big prominent image that you see first when landing on a website. It functions as both a banner and an introduction to your website and in turn, your brand. It also plays a larger role in keeping your visitors on your page, turning them into potential […]

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Design an event page that converts

5 tips to design an event page that converts

A successful event needs people and to get those people, you need to design an event page on your website. This type of website page provides people with all the information they need to know, the vibe and why they should be going. If done right, you will have a page that draws in people […]

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update PHP for WordPress

How to check and update PHP for WordPress

Something that can easily be overlooked, but is key to the security and functionality of your WordPress website, is having to update PHP. All websites that run on WordPress also run on PHP, an open-source programming language that is used on the server. Without it, your website wouldn’t exist, so it’s important to make sure […]

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Get your website brand image right

Get your website brand image right (5 tips)

A good website has a strong brand image. When done successfully, opening your website feels like walking into a well-planned store. It’s immersive, reassures the client that they are in the right place and most importantly, reminds them why they chose you to solve their problems. If your company has a real-life shop front and […]

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5 landing page tips that convert

Your marketing efforts are only as strong as your landing page, so it comes as no surprise when tips for making them successful are so valuable. In this article, we are going to discuss five tips that you can use right now to make a landing page that converts. You have put a lot of […]

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Starters guide to voice search optimization

Starters guide to voice search optimization

As Google develops it, voice search is growing in popularity and so does the need to optimize your business website for it. But how would you do that and where on your website should you do it? In this article, we are going to answer those questions so that you can prepare your online presence […]

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5 steps to prevent data loss

5 steps to prevent data loss

Data loss is no joke and it’s something your company needs to prevent as much as it can. Unfortunately, many only learn to prevent it after data loss has happened. You don’t want to be in that situation and with these tried and true methods, you hopefully won’t have to. When data loss happens, your […]

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